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Nocturnal flight calls of small passerines in eastern North America
Below are typical spectrograms of various species' night flight calls that may be detected by audio stations in eastern North America. Some species' calls are spectrographically distinctive; others are very similar to one another and are lumped in similar species categories. The calls displayed are all in the 6-10 kHz frequency range and typically less than 150 mS in duration. Such calls may be automatically detected from tape recordings or directly from a microphone using the detection programs Tseep (see analysis software). All these spectrograms were made with a 512 FFT, Hanning window, a frame length of 11.6 mS, and a frame overlap of 87.5% (hop size of 12.5). The Black-and-white Warbler call was made with frame length of 2.9 mS to better illustrate the call's frequency modulation. To duplicate this resolution on your call datasets using the spectrogram viewer Glassofire, open Glassofire and go to the spectrogram selection on the menu bar, select the options section, and then select parameters and fill in the values above in the correct locations. The library below is a very basic representation. Stay tuned for additional examples illustrating species variation and additional species categories. Also note the Flight Call Guide, which has many additional examples and provides the basis for the species identification of these calls.
American Redstart
Black-and-white Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Canada Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Grasshopper Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
Hooded Warbler
Indigo Bunting
Northern Waterthrush
Savannah Sparrow
Wilson's Warbler
"Zeep" complex
Connecticut Warbler; Blackpoll Warbler; Yellow Warbler; Cerulean Warbler; Blackburnian Warbler; Worn-eating Warbler; Magnolia Warbler; Louisiana Waterthrush;
Double-banded upsweeps
Tennessee Warbler; Nashville Warbler; Black-throated Green Warbler; Orange-crowned Warbler; Mourning Warbler; Yellow-rumped Warbler; Vesper Sparrow; White-crowned Sparrow
Single-banded upsweeps
White-crowned Sparrow; Golden-winged Warbler; Blue-winged Warbler; Yellow-rumped Warbler; Prothonotary Warbler; Swainson's Warbler; Clay-colored Sparrow
Single-banded downsweeps
Parula Warbler; Pine Warbler; Field Sparrow; Bachman's Sparrow?
Double-banded downsweeps
LeConte's Sparrow; Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow; Seaside Sharp-tailed Sparrow; Savannah Sparrow
Lincoln's/Swamp Sparrow complex