Schedule of moth events in the Finger Lakes | National Moth Week website

National Moth Week (July 23-29, 2012) - Finger Lakes region species list

The list indicates moth species documented during the week of July 23-29, 2012 in the Finger Lakes region of New York State. They are presented by their "Hodges" catalog number, scientific name, common name -- this information is linked to photographic evidence of the species from the week by moth enthusiasts in the Finger Lakes. A link to the Moth Photographers Group (MPG) species page follows, then the name of the Town(s) in the Finger Lakes region where the species was reported during the week. Submit your documentary photos to:


0595 Caloptilia bimaculatella Maple Caloptilia

030100 – 1046– Orange-headed Epicallima Moth – Epicallima argenticinctella

2301 Dichomeris serrativitella Toothed Dichomeris

2375 Ypsolopha dentella European Honeysuckle Moth

2788Olethreutes inornatana– Inornate Olethreutes Moth | MPG - Danby

098250 – 3202– Bidens Borer Moth – Epiblema otiosana

3501Acleris forskaleana– Maple Leaftier Moth | MPG - Danby

107175 – 3501– Maple Leaftier Moth – Acleris forskaleana
110125 – 3597– Red-banded Leafroller Moth – Argyrotaenia velutinana
110775 – 3623– Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller Moth – Argyrotaenia quercifoliana

3635 Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique-banded Leafroller

3684 Clepsis clemensiana Clemens' Clepsis

3695 Sparganothis sulfureana Sparganothis Fruitworm

114875 – 3743– Exasperating Platynota Moth – Platynota exasperatana

141275 – 4671– Skiff Moth – Prolimacodes badia
143025 – 4738– Striped Eudonia Moth – Eudonia strigalis
143475 – 4754– Elophila tinealis


144125 – 4780– Confusing Petrophila Moth – Petrophila confusalis
4951 titian peale's crambid

4986.1 Sitochroa palealis Carrot Seed Moth

3720 Cenopis reticulatana– Reticulated Fruitworm Moth | MPG - Danby

5071 Pyrausta acrionalis Mint-loving Pyrausta

5117 Celery Leaftier

5156Nomophila nearctica– Lucerne Moth | MPG - Danby, Ithaca

156900 – 5255– White-spotted Brown Moth – Diastictis ventralis
157350 – 5272 – Southern Beet Webworm Moth – Herpetogramma bipunctalis

5275 Herpetogramma pertextalis Bold-feathered Grass Moth

164600 – 5530– Pink-fringed Dolichomia Moth – Hypsopygia binodulalis

5362 Crambus agitatellus Double-banded Grass-veneer

161875 – 5435– Fissicrambus mutabilis– Changeable Grass-veneer Moth

164125 – 5512– Pink-masked Pyralid Moth – Aglossa disciferalis
164275 – 5518– Grease Moth – Aglossa cuprina

5665 or 4? Acrobasis caryae Hickory Shoot Borer

5673 Acrobasis angusella Hickory Leafstem Borer

6234 Emmelina monodactla Morning-glory Plume Moth

6235 Lettered Habrosyne

6251Drepana arcuata– Arched Hooktip Moth | MPG - Danby

6270 Protitame virginalis Virgin Moth

6273Speranza pustularia– Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth | MPG - Danby, Ithaca

6339Macaria transitaria– Blurry Chocolate Angle Moth | MPG - Danby

188550 – 6348– Hemlock Angle Moth – Macaria fissinotata

194725 – 6583– Pale-winged Gray Moth – Iridopsis ephyraria
194750 – 6584– Small Purplish Gray Moth – Iridopsis humaria

6588Iridopsis larvaria– Bent-line Gray Moth | MPG - Danby

6590 Anavitrinella pampinaria Common Gray

6598 porcelain gray
195700 – 6621– Signate Melanolophia Moth – Melanolophia signataria

196575 – 6655– Esther Moth – Hypagyrtis esther

196600 – 6656– Pine Measuringworm Moth – Hypagyrtis piniata

6740Xanthotype urticaria– False Crocus Geometer Moth | MPG - Danby

6753 Pero honestaria Honest Pero

200350 – 6797– Maple Spanworm Moth – Ennomos magnaria

6841Plagodis kuetzingi– Purple Plagodis Moth | MPG - Danby

6885Besma quercivoraria– Oak Besma Moth | MPG - Danby

202775 – 6888– Hemlock Looper Moth – Lambdina fiscellaria

6982 Prochoerodes lineota Large Maple Spanworm

205600 – 6987– Variable Antepione Moth – Antepione thisoaria

7058 or 9? Synchlora aerata Wavy-lined Emerald

7132 Pleuroprucha insulsaria Common Tan Wave

209675 – 7146– Chickweed Geometer Moth – Haematopis grataria
210000 – 7159– Scopula limboundata– Large Lace-border Moth – (Haworth, 1809) 

7169 Scopula inducta Soft-lined Wave

7196Eulithis diversilineata– Lesser Grapevine Looper Moth | MPG - Danby

213425 – 7291– Rheumaptera undulata or esther

7394 Epirrhoe alternata White-banded Toothed Carpet

7399 sharp angled carpet

7414 the gem

216800 – 7416– Bent-line Carpet Moth – Costaconvexa centrostrigaria
223375 – 7674– Small Tolype Moth – Tolype notialis

7758 Actias luna Luna Moth

227675 – 7825– Small-eyed Sphinx Moth – Paonias myops

7853 Hemaris thysbe Hummingbird Clearwing

7895Clostera albosigma– Sigmoid Prominent Moth | MPG - Danby

7915 Nadata gibbosa White-dotted Prominent

930012 – 7922– Black-rimmed Prominent Moth – Pheosia rimosa

7924Odontosia elegans– Elegant prominent Moth | MPG - Danby

7931Gluphisia septentrionis– Common Gluphisia Moth | MPG - Danby

7939 Furcula occidentalis Western Furcula

930100 – 8007– Unicorn Caterpillar Moth – Schizura unicornis

8045.1 Crambidia pallida Pale Lichen Moth

8090Hypoprepia fucosa– Painted Lichen Moth | MPG - Danby, Ithaca

930299 – 8121– Orange Holomelina Moth – Virbia aurantiaca

8137Spilosoma virginica– Virginian Tiger Moth | MPG - Danby

8156 Phragmatobia fuliginosa Ruby Tiger Moth

8169 Apantesis phalerata Harnessed Tiger Moth

8203Halysidota tessellaris– Banded Tussock Moth  | MPG - Danby, Ithaca

8231 Cycnia oregonensis Oregon Cycnia

8267 Cisseps fulvicollis Yellow-collared Scape Moth

930157 – 8305– Pine Tussock Moth – Dasychira pinicola

8318Lymantria dispar– Gypsy Moth | MPG - Danby, Ithaca

8334 Idia lubricalis Glossy Black Idia

930487 – 8338– Dark-banded Owlet Moth – Phalaenophana 

930510 – 8358– Brown-lined Owlet Moth – Macrochilo litophora
930536 – 8384.1– Yellow-spotted Renia Moth – Renia flavipunctalis

930564 – 8443– Dimorphic Bomolocha Moth – Hypena bijugalis

930567 – 8446– Deceptive Bomolocha Moth – Hypena deceptalis
930568 – 8447– Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth – Hypena madefactalis
930588 – 8465– Green Cloverworm Moth – Hypena scabra
930622 – 8534– Moonseed Moth – Plusiodonta compressipalpis
930961 – 8727– Parallelia bistriaris– Maple Looper Moth – Hübner, 1818 

8738Caenurgina crassiuscula– Clover Looper Moth | MPG - Danby

8739 Caenurgina erechtea Forage Looper

930773 – 8784– Obscure Underwing Moth – Catocala obscura

8858 Catocala crataegi Hawthorn Underwing

8908 Autographa precationis Common Looper

931234 – 8924– Celery Looper Moth – Anagrapha falcifera

8969 Baileya doubledayi Doubleday's Baileya

9053Pseudeustrotia carneola– Pink-barred Lithacodia Moth | MPG - Danby, Ithaca

9065 Leuconycta diphteroides Green Leuconycta

9095 Ponometia erastrioides Small Bird-dropping Moth

9193 Raphia frater The Brother

9200 Acronicta americana American Dagger

931425 – 9205 – Acronicta lepusculina – Cottonwood Dagger Moth – Guenée, 1852

9280 Simyra insularis Henry's Marsh Moth

9367 Apamea dubitans Doubtful Apamea
9457 Amphipoea americana American Ear Moth
9661 Crambodes talidiformes Verbena Moth
9669 yellow striped armyworm
932881 – 10299– Speckled Cutworm Moth – Lacanobia subjuncta
10438 Mythimna unipuncta The White-Speck
10447 Leucania commoides Comma Wainscot
10461 Leucania ursula Ursula Wainscot
10674 Feltia subgothica Subgothic Dart
933502 – 10675– Confused Dart Moth – Feltia tricosa
933529 – 10891– Flame-shouldered Dart Moth – Ochropleura implecta
933589 – 10942.1– Greater Black-letter Dart Moth – Xestia 

11003.1 Noctua pronuba Large Yellow Underwing
11164 Shinia florida Primrose Moth - Danby