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Evening Grosbeak Coccothraustes vespertinus

Flight call description A loud, emphatic, descending "cheer". Also a low, rolling, somewhat liquid "rheee". A growl-like contact call is also sometimes given in flight.


Fig.1. New York May 31, 1989 (WRE).

"Cheer" call from bird in flight.



Fig.2. New York May 31, 1989 (WRE).

"Rheee" call from bird in flight.



Diurnal calling sequences:

1. New York May 31, 1989 (WRE). Individual flyover giving "rheee" and "chrrr" calls. Winter Wren and Black-and-white Warbler in the background.

2. New York September 30, 1989 (WRE). "Cheer" and growly contact calls given from small group of feeding birds.

3. New York February 6, 2002 (WRE). Calling from perched flock. Red-breasted Nuthatch, Blue Jay, and House Finch calling in the background; Downy Woodpecker drumming.

4. New York February 6, 2002 (WRE). Calling from perched flock.

5. New York February 6, 2002 (WRE). Flock in flight with Black-capped Chickadee and American Goldfinch calling in the background. Same flock as in Ex.4.


Similar species Distinctive.


Behavior Thought to be primarily a diurnal migrant but begins movement well before sunrise. Gives flight calls regularly while perched and in flight during the day. Not known to give flight calls at night.