House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus
Flight call description Most common flight calls are a sweet, two-syllabled "su-eep" (and many other variations such as "sreerp", "syerp", or "hu-ee") and a husky, downward-arched "vwin" (or "vween"). Also gives a two-parted "chi-wuee" and less commonly an abrupt, rising "syip" or a level, vibrant "vheep". Flock calls generally consist of wide-ranging variations of the above call types.
Fig.1. Oklahoma December 31, 2002 (WRE).
"Su-eep" call from bird in flight.
Fig.2. New York June 23, 1989 (WRE).
"Vwin" call from perched bird.
Examples Diurnal
Nocturnal flight call sequence:
New Jersey October 21, 2001 (MO). Presumed House Finch flock in predawn southbound migration, forty-five minutes before sunrise. Presumed Savannah Sparrow calling in the background.
Similar species "Syip" call sounds similar to type 4 Red Crossbill but typically is delivered in a less rapid cadence. "Che wyee" call lower-pitched and huskier than American Goldfinch's "wuwuiii". See White-winged Crossbill and Bobolink.
Behavior Thought to be primarily a diurnal migrant but begins movement well before sunrise. Gives flight call regularly while perched and in flight during the day. Not known to give flight call at night but does call in the hour before sunrise.