Ash-throated Flycatcher Myiarchus cinerascens
Flight call description No known flight call but occasionally gives an abrupt, hollow "pip" in short diurnal flights. On the breeding ground gives a variety of other vocalizations in short flights, notably a trilled "brrt" , a higher, more excited "breerdt", and a variable two-parted "pi-brrt" or "pi-breerdt".
Fig.1. Colorado May 8, 1990 (WRE).
"Pip" call from perched bird.
Diurnal calling sequences:
1. Colorado May 8, 1990 (WRE). "Breerdt" and "brrt" calls from perched bird.
2. Colorado May 8, 1990 (WRE). "Brrt", "breerdt', and "pi-brrt" calls from bird in short flight and perched. Northern Flicker calling in the background. Same individual as Example 1.
3. Colorado May 8, 1990 (WRE). "Pip" and "breerdt" call, "pi-breerdt" and other variations from bird in short flight and perched. Northern Flicker calling in the background. Same individual as Example 1.
Similar species Great Crested Flycatcher's "kwip" note is similar but is typically rising and is more often given in a series.
Behavior Primarily a nocturnal migrant but occasionally engages in redetermined migration. Not known to call in nocturnal migration and typically silent in diurnal flight.