Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii
Flight call description A liquid "whit" is presumed to be the flight call. See Behavior.
Fig.1. New York July 7, 1988 (WRE).
"Whit" call from perched bird.
Diurnal calling sequence:
1. New York August 1, 1989 (WRE). "Whit" call from bird perched then in short flight. Cedar Waxwing and Song Sparrow in the background.
Similar species See Least Flycatcher.
Behavior Primarily a nocturnal migrant but engages in redetermined migration. Gives "whit" call uncommonly in short diurnal flights. Not known to call in nocturnal migration but presumed to do so occasionally based on the behavior of Least Flycatcher.