Smith's Longspur Calcarius pictus
Flight call description A rattle call is a high, sharp "pitititititu", usually five to seven notes, often descending. Sometimes interspersed with rattle calls is a soft, rising "feet".
Fig.1. Oklahoma November 22, 2000 (WRE).
Rattle call from bird in flight.
Fig.2. Oklahoma November 22, 2000 (WRE).
"Feet" call from bird in flight.
Diurnal calling sequences:
1. Oklahoma November 22, 2000 (WRE). Rattles.
2. Oklahoma November 22, 2000 (WRE). Rattles.
3. Oklahoma November 22, 2000 (WRE). Rattles and "feet" calls from flock.
4. Oklahoma November 22, 2000 (WRE). Rattles and "feet" calls.
Similar species See Longspur rattles.
Behavior Presumed but also engages in resumed migration. Gives flight calls regularly while perched and in flight during the day. Not known to give flight calls at night.
Spectrographic description See Longspur rattles.