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White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis

Flight call description Uncommonly gives a low, slightly downward-arched, variably husky, "aaah" (or a more descending "aaar"), often given in series. Also given in short flights is a terse, slightly descending "ip", usually repeated in a series with variable cadence.


Fig.1. New Jersey November 29, 1999 (MO). 

"Aaah" call from perched bird.




Fig.2. New York February 26, 1989 (WRE).

"Ip" note from perched bird.


Examples       Diurnal        Nocturnal  


Similar species See Red-breasted Nuthatch.


Behavior Irruptive migrant. Primarily a nocturnal migrant but carries out resumed migration in morning flight. "Aaah" flight call given during resumed migration and by nocturnal migrants. "Ip" given in diurnal flight when multiple birds are flying together in close proximity.
Notes In the fall 2020 irruption, the Cayuga South morning flight count in central New York State tallied 22 White-breasted Nuthatches, all in southbound flight. Individuals were seen taking off for southbound flight, so we classify this behavior as "resumed" migration, not "onward" or "redetermined" migration (see Glossary). For comparision, 27 Red-breasted Nuthatches were documented, about half of which were in southbound flight (resumed migration) and half in northwest-bound flight (redetermined migration). We are not aware of any evidence that White-breasted carries out redetermined migration. While northbound White-breasteds are seen at New Jersey Audubon's Higbee Beach morning flight count in fall, these birds may be birds in resumed migration whose southbound intention has been overriden by reluctance to cross a large water body during the day, and they follow the shoreline northward presumably to find a way around the water.