Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanocorys
Flight call description A low, rising, pure-toned "hooi". On the breeding grounds, a high, piercing, slightly descending "tsi" is given in short flights.
Fig.1. Texas March 14, 1997 (WRE).
"Hooi" call from bird in flight.
Fig.2. Colorado July 14, 2001 (MO).
"Tsi" call from bird in flight.
Diurnal calling sequences:
1. Texas March 14, 1997 (WRE). Bird in flight.
2. Texas March 14, 1997 (WRE). Bird in flight with Lark Bunting singing in the background.
3. Texas March 14, 1997 (WRE). Flock taking off.
4. Colorado July 14, 2001 (MO). Bird in flight with Lark Bunting singing in the background.
5. Colorado July 14, 2001 (MO). Perched bird with Lark Bunting singing in the background.
Similar species "Hooi" call distinctive. "Tsi" call very similar to some warbler calls but may only be given on the prairie breeding grounds where confusion with forest-dwelling warblers is unlikely.
Behavior Primarily a nocturnal migrant but also engages in resumed migration.