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Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus

Flight call description A abrupt, squeaky "psyp".


Fig.1. Maryland September 2, 1994 (MO). 

Bird in short flight.



Diurnal calling sequences:

1. Maryland September 2, 1994 (MO). Bird in short flight.

2. Maryland September 2, 1994 (MO). Bird in short flight. Same individual as in example 1.

3. Colorado May 7, 1990 (WRE). Bird in short flight.

4. Colorado May 7, 1990 (WRE). Bird in short flight.

5. Texas April 25, 2001 (MO). Bird in flight with chorus of desert species in the background.


Similar species Similar to Black-throated Blue and Wilson's Warblers but sweeter.


Behavior Primarily a nocturnal migrant but engages in redetermined migration. Gives flight call regularly while perched and in flight during the day but not known to give flight call at night.


Spectrographic description Measured calls (N=6) were 24.7-36.3 (30.5) mS in duration and in the 5.1-8.9 (5.5-7.7) kHz frequency range. The frequency track was comprised of two notes, one steeply rising and the other steeply descending, typically creating an inverted "V". In some cases the descending note was slightly higher, giving the call the look of a right-leaning "T". Both notes were variable in form, often with an irregular squiggle in the middle. In one case there was a partial second band over the second note.