Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana
Flight call description A finely buzzy "dszzzz" often with a sweet overtone. Variable but often slightly upward-arched.
Fig.1. Maryland January 30, 1994 (MO).
Perched bird.
Similar species See Lincoln's Sparrow and buzz calls.
Behavior Nocturnal migrant. Gives flight call regularly while perched, particularly around dawn and dusk, during the day and during nocturnal migration.
Spectrographic description Measured calls (N=25) were 85.6-166.8 (134.4) mS in duration and in the 6.3-10.7 (7.2-9.3) kHz frequency range. The frequency track was single or double-banded, frequently with an incomplete upper band, and was typically level (occasionally slightly rising or descending) with an initial short descending section. Modulations had a spacing of 2.2-11.5 (6.1) mS and a depth of 0.3-1.3 (0.7) kHz. Modulations were sometimes slightly irregular.