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Bank Swallow Riparia riparia

Flight call description A delicate buzzy chatter, "bjzz-bjzz", usually repeated in a series of two to four notes and, on the breeding grounds, often followed by a faster chatter of similar notes. Also gives a variable, alternating series of notes which include a high, metallic "dziii-dziii", a lower, somewhat liquid buzz "pritt-pritt", and a low, purring "shrrr-shrrr". All calls typically repeated two to four times.


Fig.1. Texas April 25, 2001 (MO).

Bird in flight near breeding colony with White-winged Dove calling in the background.



Diurnal calling sequences:

1. Texas April 25, 2001 (MO). Bird in flight near breeding colony with White-winged Doves and a chorus of other species in the background.

2. Texas May 13, 2001 (WRE). Bird in spring migration flight giving variable series of  "dziii-dziii", "pritt-pritt", and "shrrr-shrrr" calls. Mourning Doves, Willet, and Black-bellied Plover in the background.


Similar species Distinctive. "Shrrr" call similar to "jhrrr" call of Cliff Swallow but softer and more liquid and typically repeated several times in rapid succession. "Pritt" call similar to Northern Rough-winged Swallow but shorter and usually softer.


Behavior Primarily a diurnal migrant. Flight calls are given regularly by perched and flying birds during the day. Not known to give flight calls at night.