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Magnolia Warbler Dendroica magnolia

Flight call description Typically a buzzy "szzip", softer and more sibilant at the beginning, louder and buzzier toward the end, imparting a lazy quality. Sometimes a more abrupt "dzzp".


Fig.1. Texas May 5, 1994 (WRE). 

Bird in flight.


Examples     Diurnal     Nocturnal


Similar species May be similar in length and quality to Northern Waterthrush but not as distinctly rising. Typically longer than other zeeps and often with a distinctive lazy quality. Only the two waterthrushes and possibly Kentucky Warbler are longer than Magnolia. Northern Waterthrush may be similar in quality but is typically longer and more distinctly rising. Louisiana Waterthrush is longer and sweeter. Our sample of Kentucky flight calls is too small to draw any conclusions. See zeep calls.


Behavior Primarily a nocturnal migrant but engages in redetermined migration and limited resumed migration. Gives flight call regularly while perched and in flight during the day, and during nocturnal migration.


Spectrographic description Measured calls (N=19) were 43.8-71.4 (59.4) mS in duration and in the 5.7-9.1 (6.5-8.4) kHz frequency range. The frequency track had a variable slope and was sometimes single-banded but often showed a faint second band. It was modulated with 3-5 (4) humps with a spacing of 8.9-14.5 (12.2) mS and a depth of 0.6-1.3 (0.8) kHz. The first 1-2 humps were typically fainter than the others.