Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus
Flight call description A high, emphatic "peek!". In shorter flights also gives a long, high, monotone rattle "pekikikikikikikikikikiki".
Fig.1. New York March 3, 1989 (WRE).
"Peek!" call from bird in flight.
Fig.2. New York June 20, 1989 (Lang Elliott).
Rattle call from perched bird.
Diurnal calling sequences:
1. New York March 3, 1989 (WRE). "Peek!" call from bird in flight.
2. New Jersey October 30, 2001 (MO). "Peek!" call from bird in flight.
Similar species See Downy Woodpecker.
Behavior Limited migratory movements probably take place during both day and night. The "peek!" call is given regularly by both perched and flying birds during the day. The rattle is given less frequently by flying birds. Not known to call in nocturnal migration.