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Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus

Flight call description A soft, sweet "pdrrr", not unlike the whirring of wings. In short flights occasionally gives a loud, emphatic "skeew".


Fig.1. Michigan July 26, 2000 (WRE).

"Pdrrr" call given by bird in flight.



Fig.2. Michigan July 26, 2000 (WRE).

"Skeew" call given by bird in flight.



Diurnal calling sequences:

1. Michigan July 26, 2000 (WRE). "Pdrrrr" call series from bird in flight.

2. New Jersey September 22, 2000 (MO). "Pdrrr" calls from bird in flight.

3. Virginia September 19, 1993 (MO). "Skeew" call given from bird in flight.


Similar species Distinctive.


Behavior Primarily a nocturnal migrant but engages in redetermined migration and limited resumed migration. Migrants are mostly silent but occasionally give "pdrrrr" call. "Skeew" call is given mostly by perched birds but is also given in short flights. Not known to call during nocturnal migration.