Archive Overview
This is a cloud archive of 27,858 avian nocturnal flight calls
(mostly warblers & sparrows)
recorded in spring 2016 from seven acoustic monitoring stations in the Towns
of Somerset & Yates, NY (Niagara & Orleans Counties, NY;
see map). The archive is
implemented in a limited functionality version of the open-source audio/spectrogram database program called
Vesper. The archive can
be viewed with Windows PCs using recent versions of
Google Chrome (recommended), Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge browsers, but not Internet Explorer. It can be viewed
via macOS with Google Chrome
(recommended) or Mozilla Firefox browsers, but not Safari (Safari
does not yet support some Web Audio API functionality that Vesper uses, but
presumably will at some point.)
When first entering the archive, one sees a
calendar of 2016 dates with orange circles on the nights with call data for
the first of the seven acoustic stations. Nights span two dates and the date
listed is that beginning at 00:00 hours (e.g., the night spanning 6-7 May is
listed in the archive as 7 May). The size of the orange circle reflects the
number of calls for that night; larger circles indicate more calls. Clicking
on one of the orange circles in the calendar takes you to a call album for
the circle's night, which in Vesper is termed a "clip album". The album
contains a spectrogram for each call - a visual representation of the sound
with time along the horizontal axis, frequency (or pitch, roughly) along the
vertical axis, and the power at a particular time and frequency indicated as
To listen to a call, move the mouse over its spectrogram and click the
orange play button that appears in the spectrogram.
A call album is organized into pages, with each
page containing the spectrograms of the next batch of calls in the night.
One can navigate through the pages of a call album using the two small arrow
buttons to the right of the album's title, or by typing the "<" and ">"
characters on the keyboard. One can also navigate to a particular page of a
call album via the "Go To Page..." item of the dropdown menu, which can be
displayed by clicking on the rightmost button to the right of the album
title. Below the call album title is a plot that shows the timing of call
occurrences in the call album through the night (darkening gray tones equal
civil, nautical, and astronomical twilight respectively; dark is night). The
numbers labeling the plot are hours of the night, and the plot contains a
vertical mark for each clip. The marks for the calls of the current page are
magenta, and the marks of other clips are orange. One can navigate among the
pages of a call album by clicking on the plot. As one moves the mouse over
the plot the marks for the calls of the page under the mouse turn green;
clicking the mouse leads to that page. To toggle the spectrogram labels of a
call album, type the "~" (tilde) key on the keyboard.
In the calendar displays, the station and classification can be changed by
clicking on the small filter button to the right of the page title. This
brings up a "Filter Clips" modal that includes "Station/mic" for specifying
the station and "Classification" for specifying the species classification.
(It also includes a "Detector" option, but since the archive currently
contains calls for only one detector there is only one choice.)
The "Classification" option
of the "Filter Clips" modal contains the following species classes:
American Redstart
American Tree Sparrow
Black-and-white Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Canada Warbler
Clay-colored Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing
Chipping Sparrow
Cape May Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Field Sparrow
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Grasshopper Sparrow
Indigo Bunting
Mourning Warbler
Northern Parula
Northern Waterthrush
Nelson's Sparrow
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Savannah Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow or Lincoln's Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Wilson's Warbler
White-throated Sparrow
Yellow-rumped Warbler
The following classification items specify call types produced by more than
two bird species:
Double Up - Black-throated Green Warbler, Tennessee Warbler, Nashville
Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler
Zeep - Yellow Warbler, Cerulean Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler,
Connecticut Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, Magnolia Warbler
In addition, note the two other classifications:
Weak - when a call is too weak to classify to species
Unknown - when a relatively loud call could not confidently
be put in a species class
The "Call*" item specifies all calls, rather than those of a particular
The archive user interface also offers a second type of call album, called a
station call ("clip") album. This type of call album differs from a night
call album by showing all of the calls of a particular station and
classification, instead of just the calls of a particular station and
classification for one night. One can view a station call album by selecting
the "Clip Album" item from the "View" dropdown, located of the left side of
the black navbar of every page. Usage of a station call album is just like
usage of a night call album with one exception - in a station call album the
pulldown to the right of the album title contains an extra "Filter Clips"
item that allows one specify the station and classification of the album.