Black-throated Green Warbler Dendroica virens
Flight call description A hollow, usually rising "svih" with a tinny quality.
Fig.1. September 4, 1990 (WRE)
.Bird in short flight.
Similar species See Tennessee Warbler and short rising seeps.
Behavior Primarily a nocturnal migrant but engages in redetermined migration. Gives flight call regularly while perched and in flight during the day and presumably during nocturnal migration.
Spectrographic description Measured calls (N=29) were 29.6-49.5 (40.1) mS in duration and in the 6.2-10 (6.9-8.8) kHz frequency range. The frequency track was usually double-banded (with the upper band typically faint or sometimes lacking), rising (though sometimes nearly level), and often with one or more gentle bends. There was often a slight to distinct downward bend at the end.