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Spring 2001

Dickcissel night flight call monitoring


Dickcissel night flight calls were monitored from 13 locations across the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas (see map below).   Recording began in mid-April and continued through mid-May. Click the links below to see the results.


Spreadsheet of nightly totals per location

Comparison with spring 2000 data

Comparison of all years



ROM - Roma High School

RGC - Rio Grande City High School

JOY - La Joya High School

MIS - Mission High School

MAC - McAllen High School

DON - Donna High School

SAT - Science Academy of Texas

MED - Med High School

LAF - La Feria High School

HAR - Harlingen South High School

RHH - Rio Hondo High School

LAA - Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

SPI - South Padre Island (residence)