Avian flight call monitoring station at Alfred Station, NY (map)
Station host: Klingensmith family
Equipment: Old Bird 21c
Microphone location: On top of residence
Established: 1991 [historical data]
Warbler & sparrow nocturnal flight call data - 2012
The data below indicate tentative species classifications of avian nocturnal flight calls detected during the indicated time periods. Numerical values in the table indicate the number of calls detected. Numbers within parentheses indicate the number of call instances for a species that are separated by at least a minute from another call of that species. See species key below.
[May] [June] [July] [Aug] [Sep] [Oct] [Nov]
Total | ATSP | |
Nov 30-Dec 1 9PM-5AM | 2 | 2 | |
Dec 1-2 9PM-5AM | 0 | 0 | |
Dec 2-3 9PM-5AM | 0 r | 0 |
AMRE = American Redstart; BAWW = Black-and-white Warbler; BTBW = Black-throated Blue Warbler; BUNT = Neotropical migrant bunting and Blue Grosbeak; CAWA = Canada Warbler; CHSP = Chipping Sparrow; CCSP =Clay-colored Sparrow; CMWA = Cape May Warbler; COYE = Common Yellowthroat; CSWA = Chestnut-sided Warbler; GHSP = Grasshopper Sparrow; HOWA = Hooded Warbler; LCSP = LeConte's Sparrow; LI/SW = Lincoln's or Swamp Sparrow; MOWA = Mourning Warbler; NOPA = Parula Warbler type; NWTH = Northern Waterthrush; OVEN = Ovenbird type; SAVS = Savannah Sparrow type; WCSP = White-crowned Sparrow; WIWA = Wilson's Warbler; WTSP = White-throated Sparrow; YRWA = Yellow-rumped Warbler; ZEEP = species complex (Yellow Warbler, Cerulean Warbler, Connecticut Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Worm-eating Warbler, and Kentucky Warbler); DbUp = species complex of short double-banded upsweep callers (Tennessee Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler). White-crowned Sparrow and Vesper Sparrow are also included in this complex.
Total = total of all warbler and sparrow flight calls detected by Tseep-r for the indicated time period. It includes both calls classified to species and calls not yet classified. Clicking the "total" link initiates downloading a zip file of all detected warbler and sparrow calls, including ones too faint to classify. These files can be easily browsed with Old Bird's GlassOFire spectrogram viewer or with Cornell Lab of Ornithology's commercially available Raven software. The "other" folder within each zip file contains calls that have not yet been classified to species. A small "r" after the total indicates that rain occurred during the night and influenced the number and audio quality of the calls. A small "w" after the total indicates that strong winds occured during the night and influenced the number and audio quality of the calls.