
Acoustic monitoring station at Danby, NY

American Redstart        Black-and-white Warbler        Black-throated Blue Warbler        Canada Warbler        Cape May Warbler       Common Yellowthroat        Chestnut-sided Warbler 

Hooded Warbler        Mourning Warbler        Northern Parula       Ovenbird       Wilson's Warbler        Zeep complex

Proportion of Wilson Warbler night flight calls among all warbler and sparrow night flight calls (nfcs).

Daily datapoints are mid-week dates of weekly ratios, for example the first point (Aug 10) indicates the proportion of this species' nfcs among the accrued calling during the seven-day period from 9pm Aug 7 through 5am Aug 14.


Wilson's WARBLER Spectrographic Examples


7-night warbler and sparrow call totals