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The graph above shows the total number of confirmed Dickcissel calls detected at each recording station across the transect in the Spring 2000 monitoring season.   The data give a rough indication of the distribution of Dickcissel migration (as determined by calling) across the transect.  Not all recording stations operated on every night so the station to station comparison needs some interpretation.  In particular, the nights of 29-30 April and 30-1 May were missed at Mission High, McAllen High, and Harlingen South High School.  Based on the number of calls recorded at other stations on those nights, and the tendencies of these three stations to have high call totals, the totals at these stations would likely have been even higher relative to the other stations.

One of the intriguing results of the Spring 2000 season was the relatively low number of calls recorded at the Science Academy of South Texas (SAT) near Mercedes, TX.   There are some indications that a problem with the microphone may have caused the lower numbers detected at SAT but at present the reason is still unknown.  The Spring 2001 monitoring will address this question.

See the links below for interesting hour by hour comparisons between stations.

ROM = Roma High School    RGC = Rio Grande City High School    MIS = Mission High School  

MAC = McAllen High School    SAT = Science Academy of Texas (Weslaco, TX)    HAR = Harlingen South High School

RHH = Rio Hondo High School    LAA = Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge    SPI = South Padre Island

map of recording locations